The average house price on BALFOUR GARDENS is £636,456
The most expensive house in the street is 4 BALFOUR GARDENS with an estimated value of £830,591
The cheapest house in the street is 2 BALFOUR GARDENS with an estimated value of £312,229
The house which was most recently sold was 5 BALFOUR GARDENS, this sold on 21 Dec 2021 for £650,000
The postcode for BALFOUR GARDENS is EX10 9EJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BALFOUR GARDENS Detached , 145 m2 £827,697 £485,000 16 Jul 2010
2 BALFOUR GARDENS Detached £312,229 £60,000 7 May 1997
3 BALFOUR GARDENS Detached £344,818 £60,000 24 Nov 1995
4 BALFOUR GARDENS Detached , 147 m2 £830,591 £495,000 28 Jun 2013
5 BALFOUR GARDENS Detached , 131 m2 £701,550 £650,000 21 Dec 2021
6 BALFOUR GARDENS Detached £801,856 £395,000 17 May 2004